
Hong Kong Dragon Boat Short Course Races – Men’s Small Boat Gold Plate

On June 30th, we at TCG had the privilege of participating in the exhilarating Hong Kong Dragon Boat Short Course Races – Men’s Small Boat Gold Plate at Stanley Bay. This event was not just a competition, but a celebration of our core values: Teamwork, Creativity, and Grit. The day was filled with anticipation and excitement as we …

Hong Kong Dragon Boat Short Course Races – Men’s Small Boat Gold Plate Read More »

TCG Annual Dinner 2024

Amazing Moments: TCG Annual Dinner 2024 on May 10th The air buzzed with excitement as TCG team members gathered at the Hotel ball Room for the much-awaited Annual Dinner. Olympic outfit theme spirit—where sport met sophistication, and teamwork took center stage. The goal is to celebrate teamwork, creativity, and the Olympic spirit. Let the games …

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TCG ESG Report

We publish TCG’s first-ever ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) report this year. This ESG report is a testament to collective efforts and the progress we have made in integrating sustainability into every aspect of our businesses. Our sustainability mission has been developed to guide us.Learn more: https://my.visme.co/v/76ek1vrn-8oezvm

Lap Dog Challenge 2023

Striding into December, it was time for the annual Lap Dog Challenge 2023 fundraising run in Hong Kong. Raising funds for The Lighthouse Club Hong Kong Benevolent Fund (HKBF) (90%) and 10% to The Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation, for the eighth consecutive year, we have two teams of 10 runners to participate in the …

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TCG wins two Safety Awards in 2023 Construction Safety Campaign

We are honored to announce TCG has won two Safety Awards, Bronze Award of “Best Refurbishment and Maintenance Contractor in Occupational Safety and Health” and “Best Safety Presentation for University of Wollongong College Hong Kong (UOWCHK) – Tai Wai Campus Project in 2023 Construction Safety Campaign. The Safety competition was organized by Hong Kong Occupational …

TCG wins two Safety Awards in 2023 Construction Safety Campaign Read More »

TCG Blood Donation Event on 15 Sept 2023

One blood donation can save up to three lives!We organized a blood donation day on September 15, 2023. A mobile donation vehicle was parked nearby our head office and was exclusive for our team members giving blood. We got 33 staff to participate in the campaign and we much appreciate their support. We will continue to organize blood donations in the future.Read more ……