Health & Safety

TCG is driving through complete teamwork to improve safety outcomes which are at the core of the behaviors across our people and the diverse range of trades we engage. This is how we continue to find and deliver on safer ways of working.

Our safety vision is clear: plan for it to be safe; own and adapt to environment; execute it together.

To achieve this, our approach targets risks and uses experiences in a transparent way with focused processes to ensure we achieve consistent behaviors in our staff and trades operating hand in hand.

TCG has created a COLLABORATIVE framework approach bringing our people, trades and client together on the journey with the mutual ACCOUNTABILITY. This makes safety personal and creates an environment where everyone takes greater responsibility for the safety of their colleagues.

Making safety everyone’s responsibility personal to ensure risks are identified, managed and mitigated – not just as a one-off exercise, but as part of our day to day business.

We bring our staff and trades together before every project starts and ongoing through relevant and bespoke tool box talks and a “continuous lessons learnt training on site approach”

Through innovation, benchmarking and constant improvement, we work every day toward our goal of providing safe spaces for people to work, communicate and thrive.

Our Culture

Our Mission & Value
